Getting Around Hagi

Hagi Yamaguchi

Hagi, Yamaguchi

Getting Around Hagi: find information on trains to Hagi in Yamaguchi Prefecture, its railway stations, long distance buses and the Hagi Loop Bus.

Hagi, the former castle town on the north coast of Yamaguchi, now a World Heritage Site, is not large by city standards. It is mostly flat, centered as it is on an island between two forks of a river, but the many tourist attractions are widely scattered with many on the outskirts of town.

Railway & Stations

The San-in Main Line railway skirts the perimeter of the city which is one reason why much of the historical areas were able to be preserved from development. Hagi Station lies to the south but only trains coming from the west stop there so the main station is Higashi Hagi Station on the eastern edge of the town.

Hagi Loop Bus Map

Hagi Loop Bus Map, Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture

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