Takanawa Gateway - A Nova Estação Ferroviária de Tóquio 高輪ゲートウェイ駅 東京

  • Publicado em : 08/12/2018
  • por : Japan Experience
Takanawa Station


A estação Takanawa Gateway deverá abrir nas linhas JR Yamanote e Keihin Tohoku em 2020, a tempo para os Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio.

Takanawa Station

Takanawa Station platform view from the outside


The integration of Takanawa Gateway Station with the neighborhood is one of its distinctive features. The station is situated in an area that was once divided by railroad tracks between homes and businesses. A new pedestrian plaza was built as part of the station's construction to make it simpler for locals and guests to traverse between the two sides of the neighborhood.

Takanawa Gateway Station is renowned for its efforts to promote environmental sustainability. The station makes use of a number of environmentally friendly technologies, such as solar panels, rainwater collection systems, and a green roof. These actions support a more sustainable future for Tokyo's transportation system while lowering the carbon footprint of the station.

Takanawa Gateway Station Interior

Takanawa Gateway Station interior


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