How far in advance can I book train tickets?
You can book train tickets in Japan between 9 months prior to your train's departure date and 3 days before departure.
Is there a special train ticket fare for children?
Yes, there are special fares applicable for children. Ages 12 and up are considered adults, but kids aged from 6 to 11 benefit from a reduced fare. Children under the age of 6 travel for free. This free fare is limited to 2 tickets, meaning any additional child under 6 will then pay the classic child fare.
Where to exchange your train tickets in Japan depending on region
In the JR West area (blue), you can exchange your QR code for a physical train ticket at reserved seat ticket machines in stations, or at Midori-no-Madoguchi ticket windows with station staff. In the JR Central area (orange), you can exchange your QR code at reserved seat ticket vending machines at indicated stations. In the JR East area (green), you can exchange your train tickets at Shinkansen stations, major stations in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and Narita Airport stations.
How to use your train tickets in Japan
To use your train tickets once you have exchanged them, simply head to Nagano Station, insert your train ticket into the automatic gates (don't forget to take it back), and head to the right platform to hop on your train. On board the train, find the seat number that is on your ticket if you have a seat reservation, and enjoy the ride! Once you've arrived in Tokyo, insert the ticket again at the gates upon exiting Tokyo Station, and the city is now yours to explore.
Modification and Cancellation
Order cancellation
Customers have up to 3 working days prior to their departure date to cancel their train ticket orders as long as they have not scanned the corresponding QR code and exchanged for their physical train tickets. A 15% cancellation fee will be charged, and the QR code will be instantly deactivated upon order cancellation. Cancellation of only a portion of the booking is not possible.
For train ticket orders that have already had the corresponding QR code scanned and where the tickets have been received, or orders in less than 3 working days before departure, orders may be canceled at JR Station offices in the departure city up to 10 minutes before your train departure, where a refund will be issued with a 5%-10% cancellation fee, depending on the station and office. This refund will be made in cash in Japanese yen.
Cancellation cannot be done at ticket machines. Please note JR Central offices can only cancel routes running through JR Central lines.
Past the day and time of departure, refunds cannot be issued, regardless if the corresponding QR code has been used or not, and regardless if customers have received their physical tickets or not. Note that however, if you missed the departure train of the time, you can still board the next trains within 1 hour, in non-reserved seats.
These cancellation conditions still apply after one modification, according to the modification conditions below.
Delays of less than two hours are not reimbursed. If the delay prevents you from boarding your next connecting train, you can change at the connecting station office free of charge.
If delayed for more than two hours, express fares and charges will be refunded at all JR stations (excluding handling fees, Green Car fares and Gran Class fares)
If your train is delayed for more than two hours or cancelled due to a natural disaster after your train ticket has been issued, please contact Japan Experience's customer service with a photo of your ticket for a refund.
Order modification
If you want to modify:
- Departure time on the same day OR seat for another seat except luggage seat:
Japan Experience can modify one time, free of charge, your booking if the corresponding QR code has not been used AND if it is NOT within 3 working days of the departure date.
You will then be sent a new QR code to use at JR stations to exchange for your new tickets.
Otherwise, you will need to go to JR station machines to exchange your QR code to receive your tickets and then change the departure time at the same machine up to 10 minutes prior to your train departure.
You cannot modify the same ticket twice. For the second modification, the order will need to be canceled (check cancellation conditions) and then re-ordered with the new travel information.
- Departure date, route, seat for luggage seat, number of seats in the booking:
Japan Experience cannot modify your booking. You will need to go to JR station machines to exchange QR code to receive your tickets and change time at the same machine up to 10 minutes prior to departure. There may be a difference in fare to be paid on the spot.
You cannot modify the same ticket twice. For the second modification, the order will need to be canceled (check cancellation conditions) and then re-ordered with the new travel information.
All persons above the age of 12, with no restrictions on residence status or nationality, are eligible to purchase individual train tickets (unlike the Japan Rail Pass and some JR regional passes, for example). Japanese individuals as well as foreigners living in Japan can thus purchase train tickets online. Under the age of 12, the aforementioned child fare conditions apply.
Validity of train tickets
Train tickets issued are only valid for the date and time indicated on your booking and are to be used only on the Nagano to Tokyo route.